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Thomas Reade Primary School

 6 team (ID 1155)



Year 6


Welcome to Year 6

Staff in Year 6

I’m Mr Austin. This is my 10th year at Thomas Reade. I spent 4 years teaching Year 5 and this is my sixth year in Year 6. I am a member of SLT and the Science lead for the school. Before becoming a teacher, I worked on a very small island in Malaysia as a Scuba diving instructor (putting my marine biology degree to good use!). Outside of school, I am the Leader of 7th Abingdon Air Scouts and enjoy camping, climbing, diving, hiking and kayaking. 

Expectations Of Our Class:

In Year 6, we are expected to have an excellent attitude towards our learning. We need to be sensible in class and always listen to and follow instructions. We must always put in 100% effort and “Go for Gold” in every lesson. We must respect the adults we work with and other members of our class. We know that we listen when others are talking and speak kindly to both children and adults. We obey the class rules and the school rules  Finally, we are taught to persevere with all our work and to never give up.

We have a lot more responsibility in Class 6, like doing monitor jobs, carrying messages around the school and setting a good example for the younger children. We will need to work harder because we have SATs at the end of the year. It is important to try our best and learn from our mistakes.

In Year 6, we earn table points and Dojos which earn us certificates in assembly and go towards a reward at the end of each term. 

PE days - Monday and Tuesday

Highlights Of The Year

We have many highlights in Year 6. During our mountains topic we do an online meeting with Jamling Norgay (the son of Tenzing Norgay who was the first person to climb Mount Everest with Sir Edmund Hillary in 1953). Just after we do our SATs, we get to go on a five-day residential to Kilvrough in Wales. We do adventurous activities including canoeing, surfing, climbing, abseiling and caving. The whole week is all about building confidence and really helps us to become more independent. We have so much fun there with all our friends. Throughout the year, we get to take part in sports competitions with children from other schools which are always great fun. We also get to go to a fire station in Oxford and participate in Junior Citizen where we try many different real-life scenarios where we have to think about safety. Towards the end of the year, we get to have a fun day out at Legoland with our friends and have a leavers’ BBQ on the school field.

Year 6 homework

Year 6 key topics

Year 6 resources