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Thomas Reade Primary School



Absences and Illness


We keep a record of your child's attendance in school therefore if he/she is not well or has an unavoidable medical appointment please contact the school on 01235 554795 and speak to a member of staff or leave a message. You will also need to write a letter explaining their absence on their return to school. Alternatively you can email office.2587@thomas-reade.oxon.sch.uk

Medical Appointments/Late Children

If you need to take your child out of school for a medical appointment please ensure you sign him/her in and out at the main office. Likewise, if your child is late for school he/she must come to the main reception. This is for safety reasons as we need to have children registered in the case of a fire drill or emergency. If your child is going to arrive late and would like a school lunch please telephone the office by 9.30am to place the order.

Request for Authorised Absence

Please note that holidays in term time will not usually be authorised. If you require a request form for authorised absence, please see the office.

Attendance policy

Thomas Reade Primary School adopts Oxfordshire Children's Service Attendance Teams advice for our Whole School Attendance Policy.