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Thomas Reade Primary School

Year 6 homework

Each week, we have homework to do which is usually a maths & literacy activity and spellings to learn. We read at least 3 times a week at home (most of us read every day) and we try to read to an adult as well. We also practise our times tables and division facts which are essential in Year 6. If we don’t know our facts, we will find maths really hard.

Helpful/Useful Websites

These are some of the websites we have found useful when in Class 6:

Mathletics – Maths (internet)

www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games – Maths (internet)

Coolmath4kids.com – Maths (internet)

Coolmath-games.com – Maths (internet)

Squeebles – Times Tables (APP)

www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games – English (internet)

spellzone.com – Spellings (internet)

BBC Bitesize KS2 – Maths, English & Science (internet) 

Home Learning -for use in event of school closure

Maths home learning | Home learning | White Rose Maths

To develop reading for pleasure through personal reflection - Oak Academy - year 6 - Reading for pleasure