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Thomas Reade Primary School

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Heads up from Mrs Day!

This term seems to have flown by! Only seems like a week ago since I was wishing everyone a Happy New Year! We have had a wonderful end to the term with the Thomas Reade’s Got Talent final. I saw a few of the auditions and was so impressed with the confidence that the children showed to stand up in front of their classmates to perform something. It is clear that the children were practising at home and put a lot of effort into their routines so thank you for your support. As well as it being a lot of fun, the talent show allows the children to show multiple of our school values - teamwork whether performing with peers or supporting a classmate; resilience to keep going even when making mistakes; empathy when supporting peers; appreciation of the hard work put in by staff and children; determination to get it right and excellence to strive to be the best we can be. Our voting system shows the children the Fundamental British Values of democracy, respect and tolerance and individual liberty. As you can see, whether the children are performing or part of the audience, there is a wealth of key learning from such a fun event!

Lots of other amazing things have also happened this week. Year 2 and 5 visited the Winchester Science Museum and Planetarium and Year 6 had a zoom call from Jamlin Norgay over in Darjeeling (more details below). Our boys won their football match against Long Furlong Primary School this week and Year 3 had a fun Science lesson from Abingdon School. Our new Digital Leaders led two assemblies this week on safer internet day and the classes learnt about ways to keep safe in the classrooms. To coincide with this, we had a monitoring visit from our safeguarding governor who talked to the children and staff about how safe they feel and to give ideas on how to further protect themselves. With the ever growing world of technology, internet safety is an issue we all need to stay ahead of. We will continue to teach the children within school the importance of staying safe and I will include any external parent workshops in future newsletters if they become available.

The first week back is a busy one already followed by our first ever Languages Cafe on Wednesday 5th March and World Book Day Thursday 6th March. If you are able, please join us for our learning in action afternoon on the Thursday.

I hope you all have a wonderful half term and I will see you all Monday 24th February.

Pay it forward top up account available on Arbor.

In previous years, the school has been in a position to make some funding available to pay for school trips and activities for those children and families facing financial hardship. As the number of families in this group has risen and the national issues of school funding are hitting Thomas Reade, it is now no longer possible for the school to guarantee this facility going forwards. 

We firmly believe that every child in every class deserves the opportunity to benefit from all of these important enrichment experiences and are launching a pay-it-forward initiative to provide a mechanism for our community to come together and help support places on these school trips and activities so that no child is left behind. 

Any amount you can give will be used for a general 'pay it forward' fund to support places on school trips for families facing financial hardship. Payments to this account can be found on the front page of your parent portal under the accounts section where you can top up an amount of your choice. Please see below as an example:


To celebrate the RSPB’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch (7th January to
14th February), Barratt and David Wilson Homes has donated

wildlife observational packs to two Oxfordshire schools.

Thomas Reade Primary School in Abingdon and Stanford in the

Vale Primary School in Faringdon have both received

observational packs for a group of its pupils to keep an eye on

feathered friends in the schools’ grounds. The packs included a

magnifying glass, binoculars and a compass, amongst other


The schools, located close to Barratt and David Wilson Homes’

Kings Gate and Abbey Fields developments in Abingdon, and its

River Meadow developments in Stanford in the Vale, can now

keep a track of the birds visiting their local area.

The RSPB's Big Schools’ Birdwatch is a wildlife project held in

schools across the UK. The idea behind the birdwatch is to count

the number of birds pupils can see at school and submit their

results. This important research helps create a picture of how

birds are faring across the UK.

Lynsey Day, Headteacher at Thomas Reade Primary School,

said: “Thank you very much for these wonderful packs. We are

very excited to see the children use the wildlife observational

resources and hear about what they have learnt.”

Thank you to Barratt Homes and to our gardening club for

all of their hard work!

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 We teamed up with the RSPB to become a School for Nature.

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