Year 6 key topics
Key Topics This Term
Our Summer Term starts with completing our Saxons and Vikings Topic. We study King Alfred the Great and the links he made between the Vikings and the Saxons. We then move onto studying the Ancient Greeks. We look at important timeline events and key locations for the Greeks. We then explore the Acropolis and their gods and goddesses. Finally, we look at the differences between Athens and Sparta. As part of the topic, the children will design and create Ancient Greek Temples. Our Religion and World views topic are linked to Christianity. In PSHE, we are studying transition in preparation for September and Relationships and Sexual Education. Our Science topic is Evolution and Inheritance where we are looking at fossils, adaptation and survival of the fittest. In computing and ICT the children will have opportunities to explore programming Lego models with our We D0 2 Lego kits. The children will be doing their SATs exams on the 13th May. We are then going on an excellent trip to Kilvrough Manor on the 20th May and the children will be climbing, abseiling, caving and bodyboarding. After May half term, we will start our end of Year production. In July, the children have a Legoland trip to look forward to and various Leaver’s events.