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Thomas Reade Primary School

Year 5 Homework


Spellings are uploaded onto the school website every Monday and the children are tested on the following Monday. Children are encouraged to use a variety of strategies to help them learn their spellings. For example, writing them repeatedly at least 10 times using the “Look, Cover, Write, Check” technique, writing sentences or definitions of each word to show an understanding of their meaning, a poem, a short story – 1 page maximum! - a report, instructions, a word search…be creative!

Spellings WB 09.09.24

Spellings WB 16.09.24 

Spellings WB 23.09.24

 Spellings WB 30.09.24


Please ensure that children are reading for at least 15 minutes every day and that their reading is recorded in their reading record. Additionally, please ensure that their reading book, as well as their reading record, comes to school every day so that adults at school can read with the children.

Some recommendations for Year 5 books are below:

Year 5 Reading


We ask that children practise their times tables and division facts at home. Some useful websites for this are:




Home Learning - To support learning at home