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Thomas Reade Primary School

School Uniform

We have made some changes to improve the system for supplying school uniform.

You can now purchase Thomas Reade School Uniform from: https://myschoolwear.co.uk/product-category/select-your-school/thomas-reade/

You can call into the shop and order or go online here and place your order.

All items of clothing should be marked with the child’s name.

We encourage children to take a pride in their appearance, and it is expected that they will all wear school uniform. Parents’ co-operation concerning this is sought and appreciated.

School Colours: royal blue and grey.

We appreciate that school uniform can be expensive. Our School Association run regular second hand uniform sales and if you require financial support, please contact the office. 

Winter Uniform

Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress, white polo shirt, royal blue school sweatshirt or school cardigan (branded is preferable - second hand uniform is available).

Summer Uniform

As above or grey tailored shorts, or royal blue and white checked dress.

Optional: children may choose to wear a hijab.


Your child will need a pair of sensible black, low heeled shoes for outdoor wear. It is essential that children have a change of footwear for indoor use. Parents may choose to send a second pair of shoes or plimsolls.

Physical Education and Games

It is essential for all children to wear appropriate clothing for physical education.

PE kit:

Sky Blue school polo shirt (branded is preferable - second hand uniform is available)

Royal blue shorts


The polo shirt for P.E. may be purchased from the school shop in the link above. Royal blue shorts can be purchased from the uniform supplier or be plain royal blue sports shorts from any supplier.

Since Covid-19 children have been able to come to school in their PE kit on PE days, this has been continued following the end of Covid restrictions to maximise participation time in PE lessons. Children may wear plain tracksuit trousers, joggers or leggings in navy blue, royal blue, black or dark grey instead of shorts during cold weather. 

A royal blue sports hoodie with school logo is available for purchase from our uniform supplier, this is optional and can be worn on PE days only. Alternatively, children can wear a school jumper with their PE kit.


Children will need a costume, swimming hat and a towel for swimming lessons.

Please write your child’s name on their swimming hat with a water-proof marker. This is very helpful for the swimming teacher. The wearing of goggles is only permitted after a signed ‘Goggle’ form has been received by school.

Hair Accessories

Plain slides and ribbons only.


In the interests of safety and security no jewellery, apart from wrist watches and `studs’ for pierced ears, is allowed in school. Wrist watches must be removed for physical education.

Studs may be worn for the first few weeks after ears have been pierced, although it is essential that these are either removed by the child, or covered with a plaster for P.E., games. Plasters to cover `studs’ must be provided by the family and are not available from the school for this purpose and they must be removed for swimming. The teaching staff are not allowed to remove `studs’ from the children’s ears or replace them after the lesson.

The above requirement follows recommendations of the Education Department of the Oxfordshire County Council and is for the well-being and safety of all children.