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Thomas Reade Primary School



History is a vital part of a child’s education. It helps children to understand their identify and have an awareness for how past events have helped to shape their life today. At Thomas Reade, we believe children should be intellectually curious about the past and inquisitive about how their lives have been shaped by past events.  At Thomas Reade children learn about how the past influences the present, significant aspects of history including exploring the cultural lives of ancient societies and what beliefs and cultures influenced people’s actions. We aim to create a rich and engaging curriculum by ensuring children have realistic experiences both in schools and on exciting educational visits. Our history lessons are linked to our wider topics for the term which allows children to deepen their understanding and become fully immersed in their learning. In particular, literacy, art and DT have strong links with our history curriculum.


Wherever possible, we aim to provide a creative, cross curricular approach to give children memorable experiences designed to help them know more and remember more.  These include visits, design and technology, ICT, art, numeracy, cookery, music and literacy.  We ensure coverage of the National Curriculum through our programmes of study.  We provide different topics each year covering a range of time and eras – this is both within and outside pupils living memories.  We show how each topic fits into a historical timeline.


Our aim is for our children to understand more about the topic and build on the skills taught. Our children will understand chronology and where their area of history fits into the timeline. Our assessments are against National Curriculum objectives and the development of historical knowledge and skills. We use verbal assessment through observing and questioning and our marking of books helps us to give an informed judgement at each assessment point. Our foundation subjects are reported on termly and any changes to lessons are made if necessary.